Saturday, December 3, 2011

Here are the results from the 12/03/2011 kyu test as conducted and graded by Sensei Mikami. The first group, the white belts through the orange belts, did excellent as the results will show. However, those are easier tests and require far less mental concentration and physical focus (see the definition of Zanshin below). The second group, the green belts and above, was much weaker for their rank and did not exhibit the spirit, concentration and physical technique necessary for higher belts. You will see the results are a lot lower.

Frankly, the brown belts did not do a good job at all. Sensei Mikami's comments to me were that none of the brown belts even looked like brown belts. Honestly, how do you expect to get black belts if you can't get your standards up to brown belts? You can only get better by one method, harder more concentrated training.

I know most of you guys are young, but we have had young black belts before. If any of you want to achieve a black belt, you have a lot of work to do. All the horseplay, cutting up and goofing off is catching up with you all and your lack of a a serious concentrated effort and strong foundation will continue to be a problem. I would suggest that you all go to more classes and especially more basic classes so that you can relearn that which you should have already learned.

ZANSHIN is the "returning" or "remaining" mind. It is the state of total awareness in Karate. To achieve this mental state you must focus your concentration and energy into your opponent or imagined opponent. This relaxed state of alertness allows one to be completely prepared and quickly react. Please develop this important martial arts attribute and take your training more seriously. Without it, your Karate will not improve at advanced levels.

Please double click on the grades below to see a larger image and for the "good news / bad news." Keep training harder!

Sunday, August 7, 2011

Here are the test results from this weekend. Everyone did very well. If you want to see the results clearer, please click on the image once or twice. Thank you for your hard work and effort. Also, special congratulations to our two newest black belts, Thomas Dean and Kyle Jeffreys. Keep training hard guys.

Wednesday, June 29, 2011

Here is the newsletter for July. Click on the image twice to enlarge it. Please remember that the Acadiana camp in Lafayette is coming up soon and you should pre-register for the event. Have a happy fourth of July everyone. The dojo will be closed on Monday, July 4, 2011.

Tuesday, June 7, 2011

The June newsletter. Please click on the image twice to enlarge.

Thursday, April 28, 2011

Here is the May 2011 newsletter. Please click on the image twice to enlarge it.

Saturday, April 16, 2011

Thank you for your hard work and training leading up to this test. Here are the results of your Kyu exam. Please click on the image below (twice) to enlarge the image. Everyone is making progress. Please concentrate hard on your training and show your spirit in class. To improve your grades you must improve your training regiment. Congratulations everyone. Sensei Scott